In the era of 5G and digitalization, telecom operators are seeking to modernize their networks and infrastructure to be able to cope with all the industry developments, notably increased demand for data. In order to upgrade their network infrastructure, operators are seeking OpenRAN technologies as a means to execute such an upgrade.

Read more: The promise of OpenRAN

By Maria Macra, director of government projects, Sofrecom

For the past three years, the national plans drawn up by most developed countries have included 5G. In the emerging countries too, the deployment of 5G is starting to be integrated as the ultimate facilitator of their connectivity.

Read more: 5G finds its way into national superfast broadband plans

The Digital Natives of today demand that telcos provide the same differentiated and innovative customer experiences that they are used to getting from the Netflixes, Ubers and Amazon Primes of the world. Spurred on by this, telcos are moving towards innovation-led disruptive technologies, insights and processes to enhance customer experiences and operations.

Read more: Reaching out to Gen Z: The time is right to become a digital lifestyle provider

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