Egypt stands out as a civilization with a rich scientific and cultural background. Serving a population of over 100 million, the Egyptian economy is one of the largest in the Arab world and is currently witnessing a digital revolution empowered by the ICT sector.

Read more: Egypt: A Catalyst of Digital Transformation, Tech Adoption

Covid-19 placed considerable strain on societies globally as they dealt with the consequences of the pandemic that restricted people to their homes and placed unprecedented reliance on digital connectivity. This forced several traditionally in-person practices to the online space, resulting in substantial increases in online shopping, socializing and learning, as well as the shift to remote working, which predicated the popularization of hybrid working.

Read more: 2G and 3G Network Sunsets Make Way for 4G and 5G in Middle East and Northern Africa

“Organizations no longer have the option to continue on as they have — they have to adopt and accelerate digitalization.” That’s the view of Gartner, a leading technology research and consulting company, which goes on to say that business acceleration is more important than ever because of three reasons: COVID-19, costs and operations, and results. And after almost two decades in the telecoms industry, I couldn't agree more.

Read more: Why CSPs Should Embrace Digital Transformation Now

98% of the world’s internet traffic is carried by submarine cables. From enabling video calls to initiating bank transactions, these conduits are crucial to the makeup of today’s society. They not only have vast economic benefits, boosting industries from manufacturing to financial services, but with data demand increasing, it’s clear that subsea cables have a pivotal role to play in the world’s infrastructure and technological revolution.

Read more: Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket: Why the North Route Is Crucial for Global Connectivity

The United Arab Emirates has been ranked among the world’s leading countries in various digital life indexes, attributable to the significant advancement of its information and communication technology sector, the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has determined.

Read more: UAE’s Digital Lifestyle Pointers High, Says TDRA

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