Shipments totaled 268.5 million units in Q1 2023, which, when compared to the previous year, marks a decrease of 12.7%. Two of the largest OEMs, Samsung and Xiaomi, reported 18.3% and 22.0% falls in shipments year-on-year, respectively. Realme has taken one of the largest YoY falls, from 15 million shipments in Q1 2022 to 8 million in Q1 2023, a 43.8% slump.

Read more: Global Smartphone Shipments Continue to Slump

In war-ravaged Libya, young people are actively turning towards technology to help themselves get back on track toward progress. After years of political disruption, a tech competition organized to encourage and promote tech culture and the start-up spirit among the youth witnessed overwhelmingly enthusiastic participation. The event organizers hope that such events will "open new horizons" for young Libyans. They say that the competitions are helping the young to not only dabble with technology but also manage their relationships and work towards inclusion, unity and peace.

Read more: Technology Assisting Humanitarian Efforts to ‘Open New Horizons’

As we look closer at the global telecom industry and how it aims to monetize network investments and effectively overcome any future challenges, the GSMA’s Open Gateway Initiative has garnered much global attention with the support of 21 MNOs, representing a significant shift in telcos’ design and delivery services. In this article, e& enterprise explores the impact of the GSMA Open Gateway, how it enables new business models and the scale at which it is being implemented by industry leaders, demonstrating the strong business case it offers.

Read more: GSMA Open Gateway: Mapping the Scale, Significance and Strong Business Case It Offers

Quantum technology has the potential to solve problems that are unsolvable by traditional computers. Although at a nascent stage of development, researchers at companies like Google, Microsoft and IBM, among others, are continuously trying to smooth out the complexity associated with quantum mechanics. The World Economic Forum (WEF) indicates that the global investment in quantum tech research and development totaled around $30 billion in 2022, with countries like China, the US, the UK and Canada leading in funding allocations.

Read more: Tracking Quantum Developments From the Telecom Lens

SAMENA Telecommunications Council announces that the annual congregation of global and regional leaders, the SAMENA Council Leaders’ Summit, bringing market and government-sector representation from multiple continents, will be held in Dubai on May 15th.

Read more: SAMENA Council Leaders’ Summit 2023: ‘Sustainable Connectivity and Emerging Ecosystems in the...

It is crucial to define AI technologies before studying how they are affecting business. "Artificial intelligence" describes any kind of computer software that performs human-like tasks, including planning, problem-solving and learning. It's theoretically correct to refer to specific applications as "artificial intelligence," but that doesn't delve into the more detailed intricacies. We need to look further to determine the type of AI that businesses are using most frequently.

Read more: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Businesses in 2023

Bringing together CSP experts and leaders to discuss their DNS, DHCP, and IPAM solutions, collectively known as DDI, Telecom Review successfully hosted the virtual panel, “How Modernized DDI Underpins the Future of Telco Cloud,” in collaboration with Infoblox.

Read more: COVERAGE: How Modernized DDI Underpins the Future of Telco Cloud

In line with the UAE’s strategy to promote the adoption of futuristic technologies in government work models, the Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and Remote Work Applications Office has launched a comprehensive guide on the utilization of generative AI applications.

Read more: UAE Launches ‘Generative AI’ Guide for Key Industries

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