In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review, Atul Purohit, Head of Technology, Cloud & Network Services, EMEA, delved into the intricacies of how APIs function within the framework of network monetization for operators, offering a comprehensive understanding of their operational dynamics and strategic significance. By elucidating the inner workings of APIs, Purohit provided valuable insights into how operators can leverage these tools to extract maximum value from their network assets.

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Read more: Nokia: Leveraging the Power of 5G to its Fullest Through APIs

In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review, Quique Vivas, Chief Commercial Officer, Ooredoo Oman, shed light on the company’s new approach to the consumer experience journey from a telco perspective, also highlighting how the company is adapting to dynamic technological innovations and aligning with the ongoing digital transformation.

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Read more: Ooredoo Oman: Approaching the Customer Experience Journey with a Digital-First Mindset

INTEGRASYS has been a frontrunner in software development and engineering for the intricate world of satellite networks, delivering solutions to its customers since the 1990s. In an exclusive interview with Telecom Review, INTEGRASYS CEO, Alvaro Sanchez, elaborated on the importance of network virtualization to harness innovation and the company’s motivation to deliver meaningful solutions for its telco customers.

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Read more: INTEGRASYS: Delivering the Right Solution for the Right Problem

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Saudi Telecommunications Company (STC) has announced the imminent launch of ""Jawwy from STC,"" a new digital mobile experience, becoming one of the first telecommunications operators globally to design and develop a new mobile experience leveraging online and social media.

""Jawwy from STC"" will feature its own SIM, app and freshly designed digital channels for sales and customer care. A key differentiator of the service - the Jawwy app - will allow users to build, share and manage their plan in real time, instead of buying fixed plans. The app also offers many unique features including real time contextual offers and notifications, and a simple way for customers to activate services without calling customer support or visiting a store. The app will be available in both iOS and Android versions. The service has been in private beta testing since December 2015.

Once Jawwy from STC is available during May 2016, interested customers may order their SIM card online and have it delivered to their door. The customer care model is also digital-first, featuring self-help, online, social and peer-to-peer support. A ""Jawwy from STC"" SIM will be necessary to use the service, but customers will be able to keep their current numbers.

""We designed a new end-to-end experience to meet the needs and preferences of a new generation of mobile users, utilizing digital means to bypass physical challenges,"" said Subhra Das. ""The new service provides an in-app, web-based mobile experience featuring personalization, transparency, e-commerce and crowd sourcing of support, and will be available in both iOS and Android versions. Jawwy will offer real experience innovation because we challenged ourselves to transcend category norms by designing more customer-first ways of buying, using, care and the overall experience.""

The Kingdom has one of the world's highest penetration rates of smartphones, social media and online platforms. This has led STC to adopt new approaches to better meet the evolving needs of young, digitally-savvy customers. Saudis under the age of 30 comprise around 65% of the population, and this proportion is set to increase further in the future.

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